the frightfully arty christmas party- space gallery, whanganui
December 5, 2012
Frightfully Arty Christmas Party
Carmen Simmonds/ Graham Hall/ Karin Strachan/
Catherine MacDonald/ Katherine Claypole/ Nicola Hemphill/
Stacey Hildreth/ Pam Sears/ Tracey Piercy/ Rachael Garland/
Leigh Anderton/ Vanessa Edwards/ Nichola McMullen/
Emma Cunningham/ Leonie Sharp/
Opens: 5.30pm, Sat 8th Dec/ Showing: 8th-15th December
64 Taupo Quay, Wanganui 4500
Open for viewing Tuesday to Saturday 12pm until 4pm
For more information please visit our website (or click on the image)
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here’s a close up of some of the notebooks that will be in the show:
and here are the covers – post printing and pre binding
Tags: letterpress, prints
Categories: exhibitions
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